Covid-19 Update, Precautions & Protocol

Like many businesses, Skydive Houston has strategies and procedures we plan to implement as we resume jump operations. Skydive Houston will strive to follow federal, state, and local guidance on how to conduct our business with respect to limiting the spread of Covid-19. We value the health and safety of every student and team member.
Skydive Houston is taking CDC-recommended precautions to try to avoid the spread of COVID-19. Here’s how this might affect you.
We are encouraging team members and students to err on the side of caution as it relates to their health. Do not visit our location if you are ill or if you have been exposed to anyone who is ill unless you have been cleared by a medical professional. Students, please contact us before your reserved time to reschedule your appointment.
Anyone who has recently returned from an active transmission area (an area with Level 3 Travel Health Notice) will not be allowed to skydive with us for 14 days after their arrival/return. We ask that if you fall into this category, please schedule your jump on a date that falls after the 14-day minimum. If you come in for a skydive and it has not been 14 days since you returned, we will help you reschedule to a later date.
Below is a list of expectations for your skydive and time you will spend at our facility:
- 6′ separation between people.
- Facial covering (over mouth and nose) at all times except during freefall.
- Every jumper must completely fill and sign a Legal Release, Waiver of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement BEFORE arriving at our facilities.
- Reduced capacity.
- For those wanting to limit exposure to additional people, single flights are available on request (at an additional charge).
- Increased hand sanitizer dispensers available.
- Bathrooms are limited to two people at a time.
- Standard social practices such as handshaking and high-fives in celebration of skydives have been discouraged.
- More rigorous cleaning of our aircraft has been incorporated as well as the sanitization of skydiving equipment used by students and staff.
- New cleaning schedules and protocols for facilities, aircraft, and equipment.
- Temperature checks upon arrival. Covid questionnaires required upon arrival.
- We have goggles, surgical masks, kn95 masks and neck buff style coverings available for purchase.
- We are committed to doing all we can to protect our students and fellow team members responsibly. Our approach is to move forward with caution.
General Requirements
- Aircraft and skydiving safety should never be sacrificed for coronavirus safety.
- Everyone visiting at Skydive Houston must have a face mask or other nose/mouth barrier in their possession as per TX State executive order. If you don’t have a face mask, you may buy one onsite before entering the facility.
- Face masks must be worn in the building, boarding area, in airplane and otherwise as frequently as practical.
- Maintain a minimum six feet distance at the boarding area, building and elsewhere, as practical.
- Avoid holding items held by others.
- A staff member will take your temperature. If temperature is 100.4 F or greater, you will be required to reschedule.
- Everyone will sign a coronavirus related QUESTIONNAIRE. Any “yes” responses will require a reschedule. Frontline healthcare workers, police, EMT and fire department personnel will be allowed to jump. Please contact us before arrival so we can discuss your situation.
- Refuse to interact with anyone who appears ill. Alert management who will assess the situation and escort the person off the drop zone if necessary.
- Instructors – refuse to jump with anyone who appears ill and advise management.
- No fist-bumping, high-fiving, handshaking or other unnecessary touching.
- Only staff and students with reservations are allowed. Spectators can stay in the parking area where they can still watch the skydives. Viewing along the fenceline is also possible. The main terminal is open to the public should spectators need to use the restroom.
- Restrooms: Please avoid touching surfaces if possible. Tissues and paper towels are available to use as a barrier. Please put paper towels in the trash can and not the toilet.
- Skydiving is a contact activity. By skydiving and being at Skydive Houston you assume the potential risk of COVID-19 exposure.
- No amount of care or caution can assure your protection. We have taken reasonable precautions to protect your health, but make no guarantees or representations. You must take your own precautions. If you cannot accept that risk, don’t skydive or be at Skydive Houston until there is a vaccine or treatment.
- As a condition of being here you agree that you are not ill and have not been knowingly exposed to COVID-19.
- Spectators and others not jumping will not be allowed in the facility. Spectators may watch from the fenceline or parking lot. The main terminal building is open and there are restrooms there.
Every Day Cleaning & Other Precautions
- Bathrooms – cleaned before opening and throughout the day frequently with a disinfecting solution.
- Commonly touched surfaces will be sanitized throughout the day. Aircraft interiors and grab bars will be sanitized with a commercial disinfectant after each flight and every evening after jumping has ended.
- Instructors and support staff will clean harnesses after each use.
- Goggles will be cleaned after each use with an alcohol solution. We encourage students to purchase their own goggles upon check in.
- In order to reduce the amount of shared equipment, we are not going to use jumpsuits or gloves for students.
- All jumpers must wear a face mask pulled up over mouth and nose to board the aircraft. The mask must be worn for the duration of the flight to altitude.
- Tandem jumpers may lower their masks before exiting the aircraft into freefall.
- We do, however, encourage the use of a neck buff that can be pulled up over the nose and mouth to hold the face mask in place. Face masks may fly off in freefall, but neck buffs are unlikely to get lost. Neck buffs may be purchased on site.
- The airplane door and window may be opened at a safe altitude to encourage air circulation.
- Tandem instructors will use full face helmets or a neoprene, velcro secured gator to hold their masks in place.
- All team members will regularly wash and sanitize their hands and will encourage you to do the same.
- There are acrylic shields at the door checkpoint, in the waiver room and at the front counter.
Food and Drinks
Limited snacks and drinks are available for purchase through vending machines. Vending machines will be sanitized throughout the day. We encourage the use of hand sanitizer before and after using the vending machines. For your safety, we do not recommend using the water fountain.
After Jumping Protocols
- We know you will be excited but please continue to follow all distancing/mask requirements.
- Enjoy that sweet, sweet euphoric adrenaline high.
- First jump certificates will be emailed.
- Links for video and pictures will be emailed.
- Stay safe and healthy and come back to see us soon.